- June 2024 “Kafka” Czech Embassy, Tel Aviv
- 14-26.5.24 International Art Gallery, Paris
- 17.11.23 Mairie du 16-me, Paris
- 26.7-26.8.23 “At the edge of the sky”, Blue Bird Gallery, Petah Tiqwa, Israel
- 21.3.23 "Âmes dénudées", Mairie du 16-me, Paris
- 8.12.22-6.1.23 Love stories, The Wall Gallery, Tel Aviv
- 7.11-29.11.22 J'ai RDV avec vous, Librairie-Galerie des Éditions Caractères, Paris
- 14.10-5.11.22 "Changement de paradigme", Invited artist in Biennale, Mairie du 6-me, Paris
- 5.5-17.5.22 "Âmes dénudées", Mairie du 19-me, Paris
- 1.3-31.5.22 “À la recherche des amours perdues”, Maison des Associations du 14e, Paris
- 3.1.22-4.2.22 "Take off to freedom", Russian Cultural Center, Tel Aviv
- 24.11-30.12.21 "Lost loves stations", Librairie-Galerie des Éditions Caractères, Paris
- 3-29.9.21 “Take of to freedom”, The Wall Gallery, Tel Aviv
- 23.8-14.10.21 "Spinoza. Un esprit libre", Librairie-Galerie des Éditions Caractères, Paris
- 22.2-10.3.21 “Lost loves’ stations”, Blue Bird Gallery, Petah Tiqwa, Israel
- 1-15.10.20 Galerie Hors Champs, Paris
- 20.8-19.9.2020 "Phantoms 2020. Naked Souls". Artist House, Tel Aviv, Israel
- 4.3-2.4.2020 "Art of conversation", Librairie-Galerie des Éditions Caractères, Paris
- 28.2-1.3.2020 Limmud, Vienna, Austria
- 16.11-14.12.19 "De natura angeli. A cappella", Blue Bird Gallery, Petah Tiqva, Israel
- 8-28.10.19 "Trop bruyante solitude. Autour des oeuvres de George Perec" Mairie du 6-me, Paris
- 8-9.6.19 "George Perec. Solitude trop bruyante". Moulin d’Andé, France
- 20.3-3.10.19 "Tales of Odradek", Franz Kafka Society, Prague
- 28.3-29.4.19 "Variations sur l'oeuvre de Franz Kafka", Librairie-Galerie des Éditions Caractères, Paris
- 15-17 February 2019 "Perec. La disparition" during the "Journee Europeennes du Livre Russe", City Hall of 5-me arrondissement, Paris
- 8-10.3.19 "La folie" during the "Limoud" in Hyatt Roissy, Paris
- 2018 "Kafka: from angels to Odradek" in "Seminaire d'Association Soin et Spiritualité, Paris
- 20-30.5.18 Satori, La Petite Galerie, Paris
- 2-15.11.17 "Suddenly angels/Intermezzo", Ben Amy Gallery, Tel Aviv
- 22.11.17 "Kafka. The angels don't fly", Czech Embassy, Tel Aviv
- 22-30 June 2017 "Deep in love", Galerie du Colombier, Paris
- 8-25.3.17 Mairie du 6-me arrondissement, Paris
- December 2016-March 2017 "French Bouquet", Dalloyau, Paris, France
- 5-11 May 2016, La Petite Gallerie, 35-37 rue de Seine, Paris
- 17-21 March 2016, International Art Gallery, Swiss Village, Paris
- October-November 2015, "Two banks of the river", Amalia Arbel Gallery, Tel Aviv, Israel
- 11.1-15.2.24 Human factor. Ben Ami Gallery, Tel Aviv
- 12.5.23 Thinking Ahead Forum, Imperial College, London
- 6.5-3.6.23 Folded art, Galerie Memoire de l'Avenir, Paris
- 13-16.4.23 AEAF Salon International AEAF, Espace Nesle, Paris
- 15-16.3.23 Physicians create art, Tel Aviv
- 19.8-9.9.22 "Cover", The Water Institute, Givatayim, Israel
- 20.3-8.5.22 "Physicians- creators", ZOA House, Tel Aviv
- 7-10.4.22 AEAF Salon International AEAF, Espace Nesle, Paris
- 8-30.4.22 "Holocaust from a contemporary perspective", Water Institute, Givatayim, Israel
- 2-16.2.22 “Secret of the vine”, Menachem Begin Heritage Center, Jerusalem
- 10-16.12.2021 Salon International des arts (AEAF), La Galerie Thuillier, Paris
- 4.6-2.7.21 Synopsis of the equilibrium. Hermitage Viborg, Russia
- 27-30.5.2021 Salon International des arts (AEAF), Espace Nesles, Paris
- 10.2- 14.2.21 Salon des Artistes Français, dans le cadre d'Art Capital, Grand Palais. Paris
- 14-18.10.2020 Salon International des arts (AEAF), Espace Nesles, Paris
- 16.10-5.11.20 XXe Biennale des Artistes du 6e, Paris (Second Prize)
- 20.8-20.10.19 Museum of Art of St Petersburg 20-21 centuries
- 2019 Salon International des arts (AEAF), Espace Nesles, Paris
- 5-7.4.19 Biennale Barcelona, Spain
- 2018 Salon International AEAF, La Galerie Thuillier, Paris
- 2018 "Stay on Art", Palazzo Della Cancelleria Vaticana, Rome
- 2018 XIXe Biennale des Artistes du VIe, Paris
- 2018 La Palette Russe, Paris
- 2018 Biennale, Venice
- 2018 Segnalati, Rome
- 11-12.5.18 - Israeli Art Exhibition on behalf of the war against AIDS, Bank Hapoalim, Israel
- 2018 "Art capital", Grand Palais, Paris
- 2018 Salon d'AEAF, Espace Nesles, Paris
- 2018 Givataim Theater, Israel
- 2017 4e Salon des Arts, Office Notarial, 51 Av. Montaigne, Paris
- 23 June- 23 July 2017 "Salon of French Artists", Tsereteli Art Gallery, Moscow
- 2017 "Le salon des toiles du printemps 2017", La Galerie Thuillier, Paris
- February 2017, "Israeli Art Exhibition on behalf of the war against AIDS", Bank Hapoalim, Israel
- 2016 "Salon d'Art Printemps d’Aulnay", Centre d’Art et de création d’Aulnay-sous-Bois, France
- 26-27.2.2016 - "Israeli Art Exhibition on behalf of the war against AIDS", Bank Hapoalim, Israel
- 14-17 April 2016, Art Expo, New York
- 28-29 May 2016, Carrousel Du Louvre, Salon d'Art Contemporain, Paris
- June 2016, Fine Art Museum, Tian Jiin, China
- July 2016, Dawasi Cultural Center, Shangai, China
- August 2016 "Plays, fantasy and imagination", Yotzrim gallery, Raanana, Israel
- September 2016, International art Gallery, Swiss Village, Paris
- September 2016, Art Faire, Hang Zhou, China
- November 2016, Fine Art Museum, Yan Tai, China
- December 2016, Art Basel Miami